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The Book of Joy

The Book of Joy, co-authored by the Dalai Lama and Archbishop Desmond Tutu, explores the nature of joy and how to cultivate it in the face of life's inevitable suffering. The book is a conversation between the two spiritual leaders, who share personal stories, wisdom, and practices for living a joyful life. They emphasize that joy comes not from external circumstances but from inner qualities like compassion, gratitude, forgiveness, and a sense of connection with others. The book blends spiritual insights with science, offering practical advice on how to achieve lasting happiness.

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Obstacle: Fear, Stress, & Anxiety

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Obstacle: Frustration and Anger

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Joy: Perspective

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Joy: Humility

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Joy: Compassion

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Obstacle: Sadness and Grief

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Joy: Gratitude

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Joy: Generosity

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